Bendis, Brian Michel

Secret invasion - Nice : Panini France, 2020. - 1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly color illustrations ; 26 cm

Les New Avengers luttent aux côtés d'Elektra dans un combat contre les ninjas de la Main. Elektra est tuée au cours de l'affrontement, un Skrull s'empare du corps de la mercenaire et prend son identité, ce qui suscite de nombreuses questions : comment un ennemi a pu prendre l'apparence d'Elektra sans que personne ne s'en aperçoive ? Quels groupes de super-héros ont été infiltrés ? Au lendemain de Civil War, personne ne sait plus à qui il peut encore se fier. The New Avengers fight alongside Elektra in a battle against the ninjas of the Hand. Elektra is killed during the confrontation, and a Skrull seizes the mercenary's body, assuming her identity, raising many questions: how could an enemy take on Elektra's appearance without anyone noticing? Which superhero groups have been infiltrated? In the aftermath of Civil War, no one knows who they can trust anymore. This DELUXE edition reissues the Secret Invasion saga, a pivotal Marvel story that notably launches the Dark Reign era with the Dark Avengers.


Avengers (Fictitious characters)--Comic books, strips, etc
Superheroes--Comic books, strips, etc
Science fiction comic books, strips, etc

Graphic novels