The marketing plan handbook - 3ª ed. - Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008 - viii + 190 p. + 25 cm

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Marketing Planning 1 Preview 1-- Overview of Marketing Planning 2-- Marketing Planning Defined 3-- Contents of a Marketing Plan 5-- Developing a Marketing Plan 7-- Research and Analyze the Current Situation 7-- Understand Markets and Customers 8-- Plan Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning 8-- Plan Direction, Objectives, and Marketing Support-- Develop Marketing Strategies and Programs 10-- Track Progress and Control Implementation 11-- Preparing for Marketing Planning 12-- Primary Marketing Tools 12-- Supporting the Marketing Mix 15-- Guiding Principles 16-- Summary 20-- CHAPTER 2 Analyzing the Current Situation 21-- Preview 21-- Environmental Scanning and Analysis 22-- Mission 25-- Resources 25-- Analyzing the Internal Environment 25-- Offerings 26-- Previous Results 26-- Business Relationships 27-- Keys to Success, and Warning Signs 27-- Analyzing the External Environment 27-- Demographic Trends 28-- Economic Trends 29-- Ecological Trends 31-- Technological Trends 31-- Political-Legal Trends 32-- Social-Cultural Trends 33-- Competitor Analysis 33-- SWOT Analysis 34-- Summary 35-- CHAPTER 3 Understanding Markets and Customers 37-- Preview 37-- Analyzing Markets 38-- Broad Definition of Market and Needs 39-- Markets as Moving Targets 41-- Market Share as a Vital Sign 42-- Analyzing Customer Needs and Behavior 43-- Consumer Markets 44-- Business Markets 48-- Planning Marketing Research 49-- Secondary Research 50-- Primary Research 50-- Using Marketing Research 51-- Summary 52-- CHAPTER 4 Planning Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning 53-- Preview 53-- Segmenting Consumer and Business Markets 54-- Select the Market 55-- Apply Segmentation Variables to Consumer Markets 57-- Apply Segmentation Variables to Business Markets 60-- Assess and Select Segments for Targeting 61-- Targeting and Coverage Strategies 63-- Concentrated, Undifferentiated, and Differentiated Marketing 64-- Personas for Targeted Segments 65-- Positioning for Competitive Advantage 65-- Meaningful Differentiation 66-- Positioning and Marketing Leverage 66-- Summary 67-- CHAPTER 5 Planning Direction, Objectives, and Marketing-- Support 68-- Preview 68-- Determining Marketing Plan Direction 68-- Growth Strategies 69-- Nongrowth Strategies 70-- Setting Marketing Plan Objectives 71-- Marketing Objectives 72-- Financial Objectives 74-- Societal Objectives 74-- Customer Service 76-- Planning Marketing Support 76-- Internal Marketing 77-- Shaping the Marketing Mix 79-- Summary 79-- CHAPTER 6 Developing Product and Brand Strategy 80-- Preview 80-- Planning Product Strategy 81-- Goods, Services, and Other Products 82-- Features, Benefits, and Services 83-- Quality and Design 85-- Packaging and Labeling 85-- Product Development and Management 86-- Planning Branding 91-- Branding and Positioning 92-- The Power of Brand Equity 92-- Summary 94-- CHAPTER 7 Developing Pricing Strategy 95-- Preview 95-- Understanding Value and Pricing 96-- Customer Perceptions and Demand 97-- Value-Based Pricing 99-- Pricing Objectives 100-- Planning Pricing Decisions 100-- External Pricing Influences 101-- Internal Pricing Influences 104-- Adapting Prices 108-- Summary 110-- CHAPTER 8 Developing Channel and Logistics Strategy 111-- Preview 111-- Planning for the Value Chain 112-- Flows in the Value Chain 113-- Adding Value through the Chain 114-- Services and the Value Chain 114-- Channel Functions 115-- Planning Channel Strategy 115-- Channel Levels 116-- Reverse Channels 117-- Channel Members 117-- Influences on Channel Strategy 118-- Planning for Logistics 120-- Logistical Functions 121-- Influences on Logistics Decisions 122-- Summary 123-- CHAPTER 9 Developing Integrated Marketing Communication-- Strategy 124-- Preview 124-- Planning for Integrated Marketing Communication 124-- Choose the Target Audience 126-- Set Objectives and Budget 127-- Examine Issues 128-- Choose IMC Tools 129-- Plan Research 131-- Advertising 131-- Using IMC Tools 131-- Sales Promotion 133-- Public Relations 135-- Direct Marketing 136-- Personal Selling 137-- Summary 138-- CHAPTER 10 Planning Performance Measurement and Implementation-- Control 139-- Preview 139-- Forecasting Sales and Costs 140-- Measuring Marketing Performance 140-- Budgeting to Plan and Track Expenses 143-- Scheduling Marketing Plan Programs 145-- Measuring What Matters: Metrics 146-- Controlling Marketing Plan Implementation 151-- Applying Control 153-- Preparing Contingency Plans 153-- Summary 154-- Appendix Sample Marketing Plan: Sonic Superphone 155-- Glossary 164-- Endnotes 168-- Credits 181-- Index 00--



Marketing--Management--Handbooks, manuals, etc.